bootstrap responsive templates


Montani Semper Liberi

I am first and foremost a follower of Christ-

By his grace, I was called out of darkness into his wondrous light. I grew up attending church, but as a teenager I had a what some call a "crisis conversion." I didn't find God, but He mercifully sought me out and made me His own.
"For He has rescued us and has drawn us to Himself from the dominion of darkness, and has transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son." Colossians 1:13

I've been a musician since childhood- 

I started playing piano by ear at four, and over a decade of mostly classical training followed. Other instruments appealed to me over the years: Trumpet, Guitar, Tuba, Saxophone, Pipe Organ, Bass, Bodhran.
Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Scott Joplin, Maynard Ferguson, Chuck Mangione, John Coltrane, Charlie Parker, Van Halen, Chris Tomlin, Third Day, MercyMe. 

Sometimes I write;
often I read-

 I'm always tossing book titles, domain names, or good story ideas about in my head. I don't read as much as Bill Gates, but I don't have his spare time, either.
I have published poems; some have won awards. I have a couple books out there, but nothing noteworthy.
I believe I have compelling ideas to express, but I'm sorting out the best channel to send them through.
"In a country this large and a language even larger ... there ought to be a living for somebody who cares and wants to entertain and instruct a reader." -John Updike

I love languages and the art of words- 

English, German, Russian, Latin.
Irony, Poetry, Sarcasm.
I am thankful for grade school teachers that introduced me to French, Spanish, and German.
"One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way."
‒ Frank Smith
Блаженны чистые сердцем, ибо они увидят Бога.

I've been everywhere...twice.

In the 1970's, my family set and achieved a goal of visiting all the lower 48 United States and their capitals, as well as Mexico and Canada. Alaska was an 'almost.' There were many other stops and sights along the way. No, I'm not a world traveler, but I still get a kick out of exclaiming 'Ive been there!' when I see a national park, monument, or tourist trap mentioned on TV.

I survived traumatic brain injury.

I met a grade 3 concussion in high school. He introduced me to Postconcussive Syndrome, and we hung out together for a long time. The path of recovery has been piled high with discovery. Modern research suggests that persons who've experienced severe concussions may take as long as five to ten years to recover...and that's if they receive consistent therapy.

I have tinkered with PC's for decades.

Learning to display, 'Hello World!,' install a blog or make a web page is a big deal when you first start out. I think my first 'Hello world!' was in BASIC on an Apple ][. My first website was running in 1997 or 1998. My dad was working with computers in the early 60's when they took up an entire room, so I guess I inherited whatever interest and talent with computers, coding, and languages I may have.

I was delivered from certain death as a teenager.

When Jesus introduced himself to a depressed young man in a psych hospital, I knew I had received a reprieve from a death sentence. I was clinically depressed, chemically dependent, and chronically oppressed. I knew right away that His voice calling me to life was far different from the ones in my head harassing me to end my life.

My heart is in the mountains.

Mountain living for me was growing up in the Blue Ridge Mountains of southwest Virginia. When I was still a boy, my family traveled all over the USA. We climbed the lofty Rockies and the Sierra Nevada range. We spent time in the Ozarks and visited the White Mountains in the Northeast. Vivid memories of scenic heights and wonderful people from coast to coast...(more)

Pirates in history hooked me.

As a student of history, I am always intrigued when I have the opportunity to stand where historic events unfolded. A previous move near coastal North Carolina provided me the opportunity to view the artifacts recovered from Blackbeard's last ship. Later on, I strolled the same streets as he did in a small coastal town where he had brief sanctuary. I launched a related website in 2003, and the rest is history. (more)

I enjoy smoking, but not cigs.

There was an old smokehouse behind my childhood home that had a dirt floor, soot and salt on the walls, and a wonderful, earthy, smoky atmosphere. That room and my grandfather's wonderful salt-cured hams taught me that the best foods require a bit more time and attention. When I have the time, I enjoy smoking meat, vegetables, and more. It makes everything wonderful when done right, and barbecue ribs are my weakness. (more)

I love sports cars and antique autos.

My travels in childhood exposed me to a huge variety of cars and trucks, and I was always drawn to sports cars and the antique models.
I remember the wallpaper in my bedroom featuring cars with nameplates like Stutz, Packard, REO, Pierce-Arrow, Stanley Steamer, Cord, and Auburn.
Among my favorite cars that I've owned, there's the Ford Mustang, an MGB convertible, and Pontiac Fiero GT.


No special actions required, all sites you make with Mobirise are mobile-friendly. You don't have to create a special mobile version of your site, it will adapt automagically.


No special actions required, all sites you make with Mobirise are mobile-friendly. You don't have to create a special mobile version of your site, it will adapt automagically.


No special actions required, all sites you make with Mobirise are mobile-friendly. You don't have to create a special mobile version of your site, it will adapt automagically.


No special actions required, all sites you make with Mobirise are mobile-friendly. You don't have to create a special mobile version of your site, it will adapt automagically.


Cut down the development time with drag-and-drop website builder. Drop the blocks into the page, edit content inline and publish - no technical skills required.


Cut down the development time with drag-and-drop website builder. Drop the blocks into the page, edit content inline and publish - no technical skills required.


Cut down the development time with drag-and-drop website builder. Drop the blocks into the page, edit content inline and publish - no technical skills required.


Cut down the development time with drag-and-drop website builder. Drop the blocks into the page, edit content inline and publish - no technical skills required.


Choose from the large selection pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, slider, responsive image gallery with, parallax scrolling, sticky header and more.


Choose from the large selection pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, slider, responsive image gallery with, parallax scrolling, sticky header and more.


Choose from the large selection pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, slider, responsive image gallery with, parallax scrolling, sticky header and more.


Choose from the large selection pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, slider, responsive image gallery with, parallax scrolling, sticky header and more.


New Salem, WV


info [@] ...